out how much oak flooring you need to order to complete your project is quite
simple but depends on a few things;
- The area of floor you intend to cover (in M2)
- The grade of the oak flooring you’re installing
- The shape of the area being covered
Eg: 4m wide x 6m long will be 4 x 6 = 24m2
you have more than one room to cover, then it’s just a matter of doing this for
all the rooms concerned and then adding all the resulting numbers up.
an allowance of 5-6% for cutting and wastage is sufficient but there are a few
things you need to be aware of before committing to an order. You don’t want to
order your flooring and towards the end of the project find out that you’re 1 carton
short because this may result in you having to pay another delivery charge.
but vice versa, you don’t want to end up with 3-4 cartons left over after the
installation is complete either.
standards state that manufacturers can sell oak flooring with a maximum of 5% natural
defects that are not included within the specified grade of that same flooring,
so there’s a possibility that you will need to cut out some features or defects
that are not suitable for what you want.
lower grades of flooring have more natural defects, so there’s a risk of you
having to cut out more features, depending on what finished floor appearance
you want.
Prime Grade A oak flooring is grade A only, so the finish will be very
consistent, resulting in very little wastage for features that you don’t want, meaning
that you could get away with a very small allowance like 2-3%.
grade flooring will have more natural features, so an extra 5-6% should be
always difficult for the flooring supplier to tell you how much extra you need
to order because an unacceptable defect to one person could be a beautiful
natural feature to someone else.
above percentages are suitable for square or rectangular rooms but if your
rooms have lots of diagonal cuts or bay windows, then the extra required for
cutting and wastage can increase to 10-12%.
you can, always ask your flooring installer to measure up and tell you how much
flooring you need to order because they have (or should have) the experience to
work this out quickly.